2014 started with a mild winter followed by a huge landslide in the nearby village – trees travelling to new locations, opening new views of the mountains, new beginnings.
March & April marked the start of our yoga season with new teachers joining the growing family of teachers who are returning on a regular basis; Mandy (Grant) brought us yoga and a soft American accent; Pete Barrett brought Kirtan sounds that filled the air (even the birds were quiet). They both joined Duncan (Hulin) and Bristol (Maryott), who bestow us with regular precious retreats.
Then came the fishermen with their Mahseer expeditions – we ate well during their stay.
Monsoon came late and stayed late into September. This was no deterrent; Lucy (Roberts) and her yogis from all over the region came and so did David. Sheila (Baker) brought us Yoga as an Art and a lot of heart. Bridget (Woods Kramer) visited in October, bringing her own magic and Anusara yoga. Paul had his 50th birthday with dear friends, Lucy and her painters arose creativity in us and Diane (Donovan) brought quiet yoga from far away places…
And then there were all our individual guests, friends and family.
It’s good to be able to enjoy sharing our home and we hope to be able to do it for many years to come.
From all of us at Basunti.