A Yoga rereat. A retreat on the roof top.
Everything comes so easy, being surrounded by all this beauty.
Nature, unspoilt villages merging harmoniously with the forests and lake that surrounds them.
Sun Salutations on the roof and the sun rises over the trees, over the tiny village roof tops. The little footpath leading down […]
Jason Parker’s thoughts on his recent experiences with Duncan Hulin during the DSY Yoga Retreat in India (as published in DSY newsletter 2017).
“Like many adventures in my life, the trip to Basunti began with beer and curry. This was of course courtesy of the chef at Mrs. Bhandari’sGuesthouse, before everyone turned in for cosy […]
2014 started with a mild winter followed by a huge landslide in the nearby village – trees travelling to new locations, opening new views of the mountains, new beginnings.
March & April marked the start of our yoga season with new teachers joining the growing family of teachers who are returning on a regular […]
A few thoughts about Basunti (by Helen Humble)
Basunti, Basunti… the name makes me sigh with contentment and were I a cat, I would purr! It would be easy for me to write 300 words about how beautiful, peaceful, stunning and panoramic it was; but for me, the experience was deeper and longer lasting […]