Sheila, Bathu TempleThe retreat at Basunti was even better than dreamed or imagined. It was a larger, three dimensional and vibrant version of the pictures on the Basunti website – a walk-in photo shoot with all senses awakened.

It felt that the yoga was restorative with ancient techniques practiced in the land of their origin. Certainly the environment, the care of a fantastic team of staff, the amazingly deliciously nutritious food, the surrounding sense of history, the numerous creative and relaxing pastimes (or time to pass), the sunshine and utter peace, the great group energy, the wild life and glowing gardens …….  all combined to relax, restore and revive us all.

Bathu Temple, magic and birdsThe revealing element was more subtle, equally delightful.

The magnificent grandeur of the snow-covered range of Himalayas remained tantalisingly hidden for our first week. No complaints as we were surrounded by mountains, the lake and the green jungle! But when the mist lifted, avidiya cleared, and the magnificent, unbelievably high, brooding, unchanging yet ever-changing, ancient range of mountains revealed themselves there was a surprisingly emotional response. Our own place in the universe was certainly revealed.

It seemed that many beautiful things revealed themselves. There was an endless list of daily wonders, bits of magic.

But other highlights were when the Dalai Lama drove by us in Mc Leod Ganj and smiled and waved. Something seemed to touch everyone in a surprising and unexpected way.

The sunken temples at Bathu also revealed themselves from the heat-shimmering sky and lake, like an ancient mirage, dramatic and full of history and stories to tell. Yet more magical, and somehow auspicious, treats were presented to us.

On our final meditation session Dave let us each hold, feel, explore via our senses some of his collection of ancient coins found in the ground that supported us. Each small vibrant piece of metal revealed yet more feelings and stories that helped to connect us to man’s ancient lineage. Yet another reminder of our own place in history.

There were many wonderful experiences that touched each person differently.

India changes you. Basunti certainly changed us all too. (by Sheila Baker, April 2012)


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