Chilli harvest, BasuntiDecided to harvest the two beds of Chillies in the garden, as the evenings are starting to get quite cool and it is a good time to cut the plants back before mulching them in for the winter. Had a really good crop this year, with over six Kilos of Red Chillies and about four of green. Have made three jars of Chilli and Garlic oil and have put another half kilo aside, for when we start to make the Green Papaya Chutney next week. Have also just finished making four jars of Lemon Pickle (Aachar) and two Of Lime. Have to admit that we are already eating the lime pickle, as it goes so well with the omelette and chapattis for breakfast. The remaining chillies are being sun dried, before being ground into powder. Should have enough to see us through until the next crop starts ripening in July next year.
Last night we had he first proper rain at Basunti for nearly three months. Has been very welcome and was greeted with much joy by all the farmers in the area, who have just planted their crops of winter wheat. This has also given us the opportunity to loosen up the soil in all the lawns and seed a lot of the dry areas, before fertilising with composted cow manure. Looking forward to lush green lawns in the coming months.
Scaly-breasted MuniaThe last few nights have seen flocks of Greater Cormorants, numbering in thousands, flying over Basunti in the early evening. A truly spectacular sight and sound experience, as they come over at only about six metres above the ground. The other interesting thing at the moment is the large flocks of Scaly-breasted Munias feeding on the Basunti Elephant Grass. Not a large bird, but very handsome and not at all frightened to be around people. The male Sambar and Barking Deer are starting to call in the Jungle, so I guess they are starting to stake out territories in preparation for the mating season.

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