Having noticed over the past few weeks a distinct reduction in the number of Golden Mahseer in this part of the Maharana Pratap waters, we have decided that from now on all Mahseer will be on a strict CPR (Catch, Photograph and Release) basis at Basunti.
This decision made, we decided to spend the […]
With temperatures beginning to rise in the Western Himalayas of India, I have started devising some strategies on how best to catch that elusive monster, Golden Mahseer. The water level in the lake is dropping fast, which means the water temperature will also be rising. This is so important for a good fishing season, as […]
While preparing our Fishing for the Golden Mahseer tour in India this year (click here for details), I was preoccupied with concerns about conservation.
Although a lot has been stated about various efforts to preserve the remarkable Golden Mahseer in India, my own experiences paint a slightly bleaker picture. Fortunately, Himachal does […]