Winter has come to a close down here at Basunti, although it still snows occasionally on the low Himalayan peaks above Dharamsala and McLeod Ganj. The Gaddi shepherd is camping with his large flock of goats and sheep with their lambs on the meadows below; it must be still cold up on the mountains and he is down here in search of grass.

It is much warmer down here and we hope we have had the last of the rains already.

With that in mind, we are looking forward to our spring yoga season to commence:

Stephanie Aulestia and Nathalie Luce will be joining our family of teachers (Vinyasa & Yin yoga) for the first time during March 17-24, 2019.

Duncan Hulin and Andrea Guest will be returning to Basunti for their annual 2 weeks retreat, 27th March – 10th April, 2019, which includes visits to Amritsar & The Golden Temple, Mcleod Ganj and Masroor Rock Temples.

They will be followed by the return of Lara Dwyer (flow Vinyasa & Meditaion) and her yogis all the way from Australia, 20 – 26th April, 2019.

We have just said our good-byes to Lesley Robin’s lovely group of creative ladies, who were touring North India, searching for arts and crafts, people and cultures…hope they will enjoy Amritsar and the Golden Temple, which are next on their program. 

Looking forward to seeing all here,


All of us at Basunti.

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