Even after the daily depredations of the Barbets, Parakeets and Himalayan Civet Cat, we still managed to harvest over seventy Kilos of organic, Italian peaches, just from one tree. After sharing some with the staff, fifty were put in the fridge for later consumption. The remaining peaches were diced and put in the sun to dry. Normally we make preserve from the peaches, but this year, due to the vast quantities, it was decided it would be better to dry them.
Another tree, covered in a local variety of peach, is still waiting to be harvested. Judging by the way the branches are touching the ground, due to the huge number of peaches, another hundred kilos is almost ready to be picked. Think we are in for a lot of peach crumble in the future.
The garden is also producing Mangoes, Lychees, Jackfruit, Figs and Avocados, a veritable haven for fruit lovers…(more images posted on our FB page).