Anne Bateman’s poem – Duncan Hulin & Andrea Guest retreat – here it is, with images. Many thanks, Anne, it’s all there.


This is the real world
Letting go, closing your eyes
The early morning sun warming your skin,
The dawn birds, a wall of sound, pulsating energy.
Following your breath, allowing yourself to love yourself,
It’s the best you can ever do for yourself
Sitting, breathing, stretching into your best self,
To the still centre at the eye of the storm,
Our chorus of Oms vibrating through all our hearts

The lake sprawls at the edge of our vision.
Rowdy crows and kites, vultures riding thermals,
Swoop to drink at the ponds.
Hibiscus, cactus, amaryllis, water lily, bouganvillia.
Torpedo shaped fish skulk in the dark ponds,
Rising, turning in the air and slapping back through the water
As we share our Oms, vibrating through all our hearts.

Later, when we are facing the uncharitable, the dull,
A deadline, the enervating, the tragic,
Like a good summer can be read in a tree ring
We shall close our eyes and find our breath,
Feel the prana ease our anxious hearts,
Find the vastness behind our closed eyes
And remember, the love is always, always here,
In us.

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